Güldenstubbe Residences
Vivamus a ligula ut velit placerat egestas at id leo. Nulla ac volutpat nunc. Suspendisse ut magna porttitor, sollicitudin ligula at, molestie dolor.

No 7 Karl Gustav

No 8 Anna Christine

No 9 Balthasar Heinrich

No 2 Alexander Georg

No 3 Anette Christine

No 4 Friedrich Magnus

No 5 Beata Magdalena

No 6 Johann Gustav

Güldenstubbe Residences story
Like a desert that knows it hides a well, An Island doesn’t whisper stories only about mills, junipers, and rocky fields. It’s streets and buildings also speak the language of luxury and consistency, with the good taste and prosperity of dignified noble families, pride and dedication, awareness, and stubbornness, which do not sway from the harsh sea and wind, but allow themselves to be polished by them.
Modern design and innovation, such as carefully selected precious gifts from the mainland, adding value to existing and organic in the passionate pairing dance of the new and the old – such as Faith, Hope and Love – which has always been and always will be.
Güldenstubbe Residences bear the heritage of the name of Baron von Güldenstubbe, of Baltic- Swedish origin in his story – being one of several important historical families who contributed to the development of Kuressaare. Incidentally, it is in this very historic building at Lossi Street 6, through various owners that the house has a new lease of life, freshly restored exterior and modern luxurious interior.
Our friends
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